Building an Arbitrage Bot on Starknet: Part 3 - Conclusions

󰃭 2024-08-30


This is the last article in the series where I describe the small improvements I made and publish the link to the github repository.

If you missed the previous article and you want to read them:

Improvements made

I ended my previous article by describing what improvements could be made. In this short time (there were holidays) I worked on

  • Made a more robust loop. Now if a coroutine fails, the bot crashes.
  • Removed ccxt. Implemented the Binance class using the Binance APIs.
  • Fixed some bugs and refactored a bit AVNU

In the future, I am still interested in removing AVNU and creating a more robust infrastructure.


You can find the repository of StarkShift here. Development will continue on github and I will only write articles when there are interesting developments or features.

I just wanted to describe how an arbitrage bot works and show how easy it is to create a new one.